2020 had been a turbulent year to say the say the least. The year of ehsaas, dukh, pareshaani, doori, phir milnay ki khushi and of course, lots and lots of pyaar. 2020 was like Imli ki chutni – bittersweet…bitter at the first taste but with a lingering mithaas on the tip of your tongue. There was a lesson for all of us hidden in these past few months somewhere.

We know that trying to get positives out of 2020 is about as challenging as sooey mein dhaaga perona in a pitch dark room but perhaps if we try really hard, we can get some positives out of it after all. Here are some lessons we learnt from 2020.

Sabar ka phal meetha hota hai…


2020 was perhaps the year we practiced the most patience. We held back and reflected on our buying behavior. We placed more emphasis on our needs rather than our wants and learnt how to curb our unnecessary desires.

Let your inner diva say shaawa shaawa

This year also forced us to think about what’s really important. Do we buy things to make a certain statement? Or do we buy things because WE want to? What is truly our style and do we wear what we wear to make ourselves happy or fit into a certain aesthetic. 2020 brought forth a lot style divas out of their shells.

There’s no shame in becoming the queen of comfort

WFH days got us dressing from the waist up for zoom calls and schedule online shopping sprees for nice tops, kurtas and jewelry. From the bottom down, we lounged around in forgiving pyjamas that allowed us to deal with our bizarre new normal in comfort. Loungewear pants became the year’s breakout wardrobe staple.

If we are to take one lesson from 2020, it is that comfort truly does trump all.

A matching facemask goes a long way!

Ah, the facemask. The most beloved (and dreaded) fashion accessory of the year. Beloved because it saved us a lot of time by not having to do makeup and dreaded because well, we learnt that there is a thing such as Maskne. The pandemic brought forth countless fun and quirky iterations of the surgical face mask..and why not? The idea you could prevent yourself from contracting Coronavirus and still look fabulous was a dose of much-needed fun. Shop our facemasks online now.

Dressing up for no apparent reason is the definition of Covid times!


This year also taught us the importance of dressing up. We realized how our mood could be uplifted merely by putting on a brighter hue of lipstick which set the perfect tone for the day. Glamour felt outdated, but the desire to dress up still illustrated the power of feeling good about ourselves. As we kept one foot in the office and one working from home, so did the need to feel dressed up - even if sitting at the kitchen table in the dhoop.

What were the key lessons you learnt from the past year? Let us know in the comments below!

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