Meher’s guide to the galaxy!

Model and astrological expert Meher Hassan of ‘Meher’s Angsty Blog’ gives an insight to what the stars have in store for you for the #lockdown month of April. Greetings to all! As we enter Aries season, there are some exciting and dynamic-shifting transits in the month of April which will affect us as a collective as well as individually depending on our zodiac signs. As Venus enters airy Gemini, we foresee developments in love and money which you’d want to look out for. Alot of us may feel socially impaired due to the Quarantine, but the energies of the zodiac are still very strong. I have curated some songs and television shows which may enhance our time in self-isolation, catered specifically to each sign!


Happy birthday! This is your season to thrive, especially if your sun or ascendant is in Aries. There is a difficult conversation to be had in the first week of April, possibly with a feminine energy who has been causing distress and disharmony in your life. Your communication will be enhanced during this time, but be careful not to get too lippy. You will make up your mind about someone in love - either asking your significant other to shape up or give up.
Illustration by Mariam Ibraaz
Song for Aries: Frequency by Talal Qureshi - a fun bubblegum pop song Aries should stream: Kill Bill, Volume 1 - an action-packed movie with a fiery protagonist


April is ideal for moneymaking, but there will be no dearth of financial opportunities up until the 14th - some of you may even find yourself scouring online stores to finally get some shopping done. Quarantine is an ideal time for comfort-driven Taureans to snuggle up with a good book or learn a new recipe. The end of the month is a great opportunity for love and romance.
Illustration by Mahoor Jamal
Song for Taurus: Breathe by Gentle Robot - an ambient indie jam Taurus should stream: Maska - an enchanting Bollywood movie about a Parsi boy trying to make it big in the industry, the idiosyncrasies and depiction of Parsi culture is heartwarming.


This could be a time of controversy for you - either secrets that will be revealed or a duplicitous person who will be held accountable. A great time for love as Venus enters Gemini on the 3rd. It will be there for a while so if you are single you will find many opportunities for love and romance, and if you are in a relationship you will find massive shifts in your dynamics with your significant other. Work on communicating with others - write a letter, compose an email, hold a video call - this is a great time to get in touch with your loved ones.
Illustration by Mariam Ibraaz
Song for Gemini: Rules by Zulfi - a bop, written from the heart, a mix of spoken word and piano ballad Gemini should stream: Darling - a whimsical, artfully shot film which won Best Short at the Venice Film Festival


Early developments in your love life will arise (which will reach fruition in the next month, but watch out for the signs). A lot of you might find someone willing to deepen their commitment with you, while some of you might have red flags to look out for. For those with a cancer ascendant, there may be a secret or clandestine affair at the fore. Some of you, especially those spending quarantine with a partner or family members, may some troubles and arguments at home. Someone with an air or fire placement will be significant to you during this time, whether romantically or platonically. This is a good time to be vulnerable - don’t worry, you’re safe. Lots of networking through social media.
Photo Manipulation by Zeeshan Abid
Song for Cancer: Khabar-e-Tahayyur-e-Ishq by Ali Sethi and Noah Georgeson - a mellow, breathy melody by our quarantine favourite, Ali Sethi Cancer should stream: The Big Sick - a heartwarming rom-com based on a true story, starring our very own Kumail Nanjiani


It’s very important to focus on socializing in April, especially the first three weeks, you may find your phone blowing up with people wanting to get in touch. Enjoy and relish this time. Someone is playing hard to get, but don’t worry, it’s all part of the plan. Use your throat chakra - perhaps work on your singing voice, or make some long-distance phone calls and have a long chat with someone. There are multiple opportunities for love and flirtation in Aries season, and as the sun enters Taurus at the end of the month, things will start becoming clearer.
Illustration by Ella Tjader
Song for Leo: Nazar (Talal Qureshi Flip) by Faris Shafi - an atmospheric remix of Faris’ latest release, perfect for the Leo who is taking center stage this month. Leo should stream: Man Like Mobeen - A Brummie comedy about South Asians, with the new season out it’s perfect for binge watching during quarantine


Virgo ascendants rejoice - the next few months starting from the 3rd of April are going to be key for your professional life as Venus enters Gemini. This might be a tumultuous (not necessarily in a negative way) time for your visibility and public image; do not intervene - let fate run its course. Also bring your focus to concepts like masculinity, fatherhood and authority. Be intelligent with money. There may also be miscommunication with a romantic partner, but there is also someone entering your life that you have great chemistry with. Focus on self-care and decluttering the domestic space this month - spring cleaning!
Illustration by Mariam Ibraaz
Song for Virgo: Duniya by Janoobi Khargosh Virgo should stream: Tidying up with Marie Kondo


Whew! Some of you are feeling emotionally exhausted this month of April. You might have invested too much energy into a project that took a lot from you. Take this time to relax and rejuvenate yourself. You may be feeling drained. Quarantine might be a strange blessing, as you must practice social distancing right now to refill your meter. There might be some bad news in the romantic sector — brace yourself.
Illustration by Maryam Hanif
Song for Libra: Ye Aaj Mujh Ko Kya Hua by Jamal Rahman ft. Natasha Noorani Libra should stream: Zindagi Gulzar Hai - an oldie but a goodie!


This is a good time to be enterprising and focusing on money matters. Beware - there is someone in your life who is being fake with you, most probably someone romantically deceiving you, but could also be a bad friend. If you are already in a relationship, you may be looking for a fresh start or a drastic change. The past is haunting you, perhaps you have a broken heart. If this is so, do not fear - the end of the month will bring a lot of clarity in the romantic front. Avoid confrontations for the first couple of weeks in April unless you want an escalated, emotional argument. Stay optimistic and carefree. You may have to fake it till you make it, but make it you will!
Illustration by Maryam Hanif
Song for Scorpio: Rok Le by Shamoon Ismail - a moody meditation on haters and self-confidence Scorpio should stream: Money Heist - there’s a new season out!


Right off the bat, there is a new beginning in love, or a past heartbreak giving you more clarity in the first half of Aries season. Quarantine may have stunted the usually active and outgoing Sagittarius’ mobility — luckily you still have ways to express yourself creatively. Art and music are a great outlet for the pent up energy you may have. Trust the process, good things are coming your way, but they may take time. You may be waiting till Taurus season, but keep your eyes peeled for the signs. A friend might disappoint you, but open your eyes to a karmic dynamic.
Illustration by Mariam Ibraaz
Song for Sagittarius: The Great Unraveling by Adil Omar - a bop about self-discovery and the power of imagination Sagittarius should stream: Stranger - a thrilling series that will keep you entertained during this time of social distancing.


With every ending comes a new beginning - there will be a major professional shift. There will be a coming of age this month - some responsibilities will be thrusted at you whether or not you are ready for them. The third week of April will bring romantic prospects. Try not to control everything in your life - let things flow freely, you ma have over compartmentalized. Someone is thinking about you during this time. Let them in. Healing was on the agenda for you in 2020, but a good question to ask yourself at this point is: what’s next?
Illustration by Mariam Ibraaz
Song for Capricorn: cGPA by Maanu - especially fun for those schooling on Zoom! Capricorn should stream: Clueless - a classic rom com about a person who is always ‘on’


You are possibly the sign that is most affected by the Venus in Gemini, and this will prevail for the next few months, so expect your love life to be full of excitement and change. This is a really good opportunity to reach out to old friends and old flames. Your energy is so strong and this is a great time to focus on building and finessing bonds and relationships. You can do this through heart to hearts, long phone calls and even trying to send good vibes and communicating in the 5D. You’re on the right track. Also shift your attention to family, siblings, children and the domestic sphere. The quarantine means you’re already halfway there - take this time to regenerate ties with your loved ones.
Illustration by Mariam Ibraaz
Song for Aquarius: The Whale by Takatak Aquarius should stream: Cake - a family drama reminding us of how kinship is the most powerful and gratifying part of life


A great time for love for Pisces. There is something about the past that will be significant - either dynamics with old friends being reassessed, or an old lover trying to come back. Some of you may even find this fruitful and get back with an ex, while others are focusing on their growth. If there is a new romantic interest in your life, you will be getting closer to them over the course of this month, and the answer is YES! This may be someone who impresses your family as well. Focus on creative pursuits, anything to do with color.
Illustration by Mahoor Jamal
Songs for Pisces - Kaghazi by Poor Rich Boy - just a beautiful, gentle melody to set the vibe Pisces should stream: Chalay Thay Saath - all about self-discovery! How do your friends group spend time in quarantine? Tag them in the comments below!