What is Mother’s day to you? How do you remember celebrating it?

What are your mom-to-be confessions?
Lol. I’ve been very kind to myself this pregnancy as it was a tough one. So I’ve eaten what I’ve wanted to, when I’ve wanted to and have been kinder to myself than I was when I was pregnant with my elder one seven years ago.How do you feel about breast-feeding?

What problems do you face in your various trimesters in terms of outfit fittings?

Any tips of figuring out your wardrobe during the nine months of pregnancy?
Buy less, but regularly. Each trimester will come with its own challenges so don’t just stock up... go with the flow.
Please share some useful maternity fashion tips!
Be VERY season conscious. Comfort is of utmost importance however during the course of the pregnancy; your body confidence will go up and down. So work with your own self... wear what you feel good in.How do you prioritize fashion, styling and comfort during your pregnancy?
Comfort trumps everything to be honest but I was working throughout my pregnancy and so could not be in PJs all day long like I would have wanted to. Fabric choices and cuts therefore married comfort and style.
What’s the fashion must haves you found at GENERATION for expecting/breastfeeding mothers?
Loved the cuts! Just the fact that you could buy a size 10 which accounted for a bump rather than having to buy oversized clothes. The MOM tab on GENERATION’s website has a wide array of clothes perfect for maternity days from the comfort of your own home! What are your perfect solutions for sorting out your maternity wardrobe? Let us know in the comments below!