“Aunty kya kaheen gee?”
Featuring Tabindah Anwar who works for the development sector. She believes in treating life as a journey; to constantly learn, un-learn, experience, and love.
Tabindah is in the "BORNU" jacket co-ords. Shop this now for Rs.4,698/-
I tried to please the aunties but just never could!

Tabindah is in the” Basanti” skirt co-ords. Shop this now for Rs.4,198/-
But my efforts in ‘fixing’ myself never stopped the comments. I started dreading meeting certain people. I remember this one incident clearly. I was looking forward to meeting some relatives on Eid, after a long time, and excited to share experience of my recent travel. The moment I entered the room, the entire conversation revolved around my grey hair, my weight, and my skin. I was disappointed to realise that certain interactions will never go beyond the surface level.

Tabindah is in the” Basanti” skirt co-ords. Shop this now for Rs.4,198/-
But eventually, I have come to a point where I no longer care or feel compelled to please others. I have also found a way not to be resentful towards those who say these things- this is what they grew up hearing and are only repeating a cycle.And then it all changed!
What changed for me? Number of things. I started realising that external voices of people are projections of their internal insecurities. I started understanding uniqueness of oneself, through experiences of other women struggling with the same pressure of body shaming. I started questioning the “beauty standards” that society imposes on women.

Tabindah is in the "BORNU" jacket co-ords. Shop this now for Rs.4,698/-

Tabindah is in the Maal Phiri dress. Shop styles from this collection now!
I realized sneakers are the most comfortable work footwear and that I love loose big dresses and big neck pieces- and I don’t have to pick and choose and that it all goes together! Everything I like goes together- if I want it to. The only person who needs to be happy with the way I look is me!