The Road Less Travelled: Peering Into Alternative Healing Paths By: Lyza Rashid
Imagine the echoing sound of the planetary gong or Tibetan brass bowls with a sound that seems to become in sync with your heartbeat. Alternatively, you could imagine precious stones full of edges and crevices as they glitter under light and pull you into a trance. These sensory delights are a part of holistic healing—a healing that impacts you as a whole person, your body, mind, spirit, and emotions.

As part of Generation’s Taal campaign, we sat down with Mehla and Sharmeen to speak to them about their practice and learn how alternative healing i.e, sound therapy or crystal healing, can help us achieve wellbeing. On the one hand, Sharmeen Tariq is a crystal healer who believes her work supports those seeking energy therapy. She provides individual sessions to those looking to filter their energies of negativity and tension, choosing helpful crystals. On the other hand, Mehla Sarki specializes in sound therapy. She is a certified sound healer and yoga teacher who offers training to individuals and groups. Sound baths are her forte because individuals can feel sound at a cellular level and achieve a state of deep relaxation.
We asked them — it’s time for you to be in the know!
A Q&A with Mehla & Sharmeen
Q: What led you to pursue an alternative healing path?
Sharmeen: I’ve always been interested in rocks and crystals all my life, it’s like they’ve been talking to me. They are an embodiment of the earth, the elements and also change which is so inevitable in nature. Crystals and life are alike— pressures and stresses ultimately hone, polish, and make you shine like a crystal.
Mehla: After a difficult time in my life, I started practicing yoga and one of my friends suggested I listen to some recommended music and meditate. Sitting still and meditating was challenging, but I resonated with the practice. The more I practiced, the better I felt.

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Q: What does this type of therapy offer that other forms may not be able to?
Mehla: Every therapy and method has its significance therefore, sound therapy may not resonate with everybody. However, I would say that having a greater affinity for sound means that the practice will benefit you more. Also, those who find it difficult to meditate or are beginners in practice may find it effective because sounds and vibrations immediately shift the brain to a meditative state.
Q: Why do you think crystal healing has become a trend as of late?
Sharmeen: The pandemic has allowed people to spend more time with themselves and has made them self-aware. But here’s the thing: self-awareness is not a pretty thing, so pretty things like crystals make the journey easy for us.

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Q: Why do you think your practice is powerful for people to connect with themselves?
Mehla: Sound therapy allows your body to be cleansed holistically. The sound of silence is powerful. During a 10-day-long Vippasana meditation, I could hear and feel the sounds of my own body, which was truly a transformative experience.
Sharmeen: Crystals help to enhance the energies you are using and they help you connect with your higher self. They let you focus energies on your thoughts and become a companion. No journey should be taken alone!

Q: How do you prepare yourself for a crystal healing session?
Sharmeen: Since crystals enhance energies, you need to manage your energies first. I prefer to ground myself by either washing my feet or standing in the shower. Water is the ultimate grounding tool. If not that then I sit in a corner undisturbed and just let thoughts flow out of myself. The crystals need to be cleansed just like coffee filters!
Q: When Is Sound Therapy/Crystal Healing Better Suited For You?
Mehla: I think everybody can practice sound therapy, even children can. But I think it's best for people who struggle with concentration because sound therapy helps you experience that meditative state where your mind is calm. By extension, this means restless people, those who suffer from insomnia, anxiety or those with ADHD.
Sharmeen: Different crystals can be used for different purposes. Certain crystals help with focus when you have a deadline coming up. If you want to feel relaxed, use rose quartz because it soothes your energy and slows it down, giving your body enough time to heal.
There you go folks, those are the pearls (read: crystals and sounds) of wisdom that will help you cultivate a stronger sense of well-being! Love, light, and healing.